1. Principles
Olympiastadion Berlin, recognised by UEFA with the Elite 5 Star stadium award, sets standards on the national and international stadium scene.
It is a unique symbiosis of a multifunctional event location and historical monument.
As an internationally famous stadium it is the venue for regular world-class top sporting and cultural events.
It is a tourist attraction for guests from Germany and abroad.
We, the Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH employees, run this stadium with commitment, passion, enthusiasm and emotion.
Our principles are the important foundation for our corporate activities. They communicate our strengths and self-image, are our motivation, provide guidance and are the framework for interacting with each other respectfully and fairly, both internally and with our business partners.
As a place packed with emotions, we contribute to collectively experienced excitement, fairness and intercultural, international understanding.
We are a reliable, professional and efficient partner to our business partners, service providers, customers and guests. Maximum customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships are extremely important to us.
We treat our colleagues, guests, customers, partners and service providers impartially, courteously, helpfully, fairly, tolerantly and respectfully.
The sporting, cultural and architectural history of Olympiastadion Berlin is extremely important to us. We have a sense of duty to society and make an important contribution to education and integration.
It is very important to us to support, develop and promote our employees. We give them plenty of scope to have ideas and take on responsibility and strive to achieve first-class work and results.
Our working atmosphere is characterised by enthusiasm, passion, best practice and mutual cooperation. Our employees are the foundation for success at Olympiastadion Berlin.
We face the challenges of the future and stand for progress and innovation.
1.1 Sustainability
Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH has set itself the goal of firmly anchoring sustainability within the company.
Sustainability should equally be the principle for our ecological, economic and social responsibility in business practice.
1.2 Goals
Our everyday work pursues the goals of conducting business in an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable way and using our resources responsibly, sustainably and sparingly.
It goes without saying that we comply with current legislation.
Our compliance policy provides us with an additional framework to conduct business responsibly. At the same time, we always place importance on transparent internal and external communication.
1.3 Ecologically sound business
We use environmentally-friendly technologies and measures that conserve resources. We optimise the consumption of all resources at Olympiastadion Berlin and are committed to regularly identifying more potential for savings and therefore protecting the environment.
We provide our employees, customers and service providers with guidelines and recommendations to also contribute to improving the ecological footprint and conservation of resources.
1.4 Economically sound business
We conduct business using a long-term, flexible, trustworthy, responsible, collaborative approach and always strive to further develop and expand our business.
Our resource-saving practice contributes significantly to us achieving and improving on our economic targets. Fair play goes without saying for us.
1.5 Socially sound business
We contribute to education and integration with our business and offers. With invitations to tender for products and services we are committed to statutory social standards for the manufacturing of products and provision of services.
We urge our partners to also implement our principles at their own company. As a family-friendly employer we support and encourage our employees. Cooperative and collaborative conduct goes without saying for us.
We want to communicate our business practice policies, values and goals with our principles. Our claim is to follow our principles in our everyday work.
Our principles should be clear to see for our business partners and employees, become implemented in practice by everyone and in doing so contribute to the achivement of both personal and common sustainability goals.
2. Sustainability management plan
As a state-owned company and in its role as a beacon of excellence in the national and international events industry, Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH is committed to implementing sustainability, consciously applying it and consistently developing it further in all business areas.
Olympiastadion Berlin was awarded 1st place in the Energy Management / Resource Conservation category for the Meeting Experts Green Award by GCB German Convention Bureau e.V. and Europäischer Verband der Veranstaltungs-Centren e.V. (EVVC) in 2015. Olympiastadion Berlin has therefore been commended for its effective and efficient energy management.
The following sustainability plan has been put together to analyse all the other areas with regard to their sustainability. The sustainability management plan documents the action already taken and formulates the individual targets. The “Green Globe” standards were also introduced as an additional tool as part of the 2017 / 2018 certification.
Another significant component is to prepare an annual sustainability report on the basis of the German Sustainability Code (DNK), which communicates the sustainability management plan internally and externally.
The sustainability management plan is broken down into the following areas:
2.1 Ecological sustainability
2.2 Economic sustainability
2.3 Social sustainability
2.1 Ecological sustainability
Action already taken
Implementing various technical measures to conserve resources and protect the environment:
- Using a cistern and building a fountain
- Adapting the urinal flushing times and retrofitting waterless urinals in heavily frequented areas
- Reducing the flow volumes at flush valves
- regular water-meter check-ups using a water-meter management program in order to detect water leaks and reduce water consumption
- Adapting the night setback and using heating return for the turf heating
- Area and time-related remote controlled heating and ventilation (BMS)
- installation of tamper-proof radiator thermostats in the sanitary areas
- Using 100% “green” electricity as part of a framework supply contract with the State of Berlin
- Installing a light control computer
- Using motion sensors for lighting control
- Reducing the transformer voltage
- Installing LED bulbs and other innovative technologies (e.g. absorption chiller)
- Modifying technical equipment to reduce operating times (LED walls, roof lighting, transformer exhaust air)
- expansion of the cooling capacity of the absorption refrigerator in the areas for the athletes
- energy consumption is always considered when new technical equipment is purchased
Using sustainable transport
- Bikes
- E-cars
- E-golf cars and e-scooters in Olympiastadion’s stadium grounds
- Electric charging stations for guests in the stadium’s underground car parks
- Promoting links between public transport and event tickets
Obligating service providers to use resources sparingly in relevant agreements and invitations to tender
Introducing a “Green Team” to monitor the planned and implemented measures
Beehives were set up on the stadium grounds
Using environmentally-friendly raw materials
- Paper towels (recycled paper)
- Cleaning products (certifiated with the German eco label “Blauer Engel”)
- Toilet paper (recycled paper)
- Printer paper/correspondence paper (EU Ecolabel)
- Using cardboard and paper for the packaging of merchandise articles instead of plastic material
- merchandise textiles have an OEKO-TEX label
Cooperate with regional suppliers and service providers e.g. production of merchandise articles
Waste disposal
- waste seperation in the offices
- concept for returnable drinking cups
- … is enshrined in our service contracts
Reduction of paper usage
- maintenance reports
- online ticket shop for events and the tourism programme
Reduction of car-trips
- public transport tickets for employees
- enhancement of the employee devices software structure in order to enable working from home
- decentralized meetings
Targets / planned action
- To continuously lower energy consumption and conserve resources
To use renewable energies in cooperation with other partners
- Photovoltaics
- Geothermal energy
- using district heating from renewable energy sources
To install innovative technologies
- To use a combined heat and power plant
- Heat recovery for ventilation systems
- installation of batterery storages to participate in the balancing energy market and for balancing peak loads
To identify more potential to save energy
- To prepare an energy efficiency report
- Analysis of the in-house electricity grid
To prepare a CO2 footprint for Olympiastadion Berlin and individual events
To install additional EV charging stations for the visitors of the Olympiastadion Berlin
To assemble more bike stands for our guests in the area around Olympiastadion Berlin
To identify and support nature conservation projects in the region
To attach information signs and tips in the WC areas on the topic “Help save water”
To ensure the employees awerness regarding a responsible use of resources and energy
- switch off the lights in the offices and the stadium after work
- turn off the computer after work
- close all windows
2.2 Economic sustainability
Action already taken
Dealing with customers / organisers openly, transparently and responsibly (collaborative fair play)
Business practice that conserves resources
- Electricity, water, heat, paper, etc.
Fostering long-term partnerships over many years (Hertha BSC, DFB, Pyronale, ISTAF)
Strategic expansion of new business areas/ aquisation of new events
- EURO 2024
- Lollapalozza
Introducing the signature policy and dual control principle
Introducing a compliance agreement
Conducting feasibility studies / detailed planning before carrying out building projects
- To install a photovoltaic system
- To convert the access control technology
The refinancing potential of ecological projects is accurately determined. The projects must pay off within 5-7 years.
Further development of the status as a 5 Star stadium to enhance the attractiveness for customers / organisers
- To modernise the sound system
- Installation of new LED walls
Targets / planned action
To extend the lease and operating agreement between Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH and the State of Berlin until 2025 and beyond
To develop other business areas / to acquire more events
- Open day
- Newsletter
- To create a Special & Business department presentation
- To provide a Special & Business event catalogue
To further develop the status as a 5 Star stadium to enhance the attractiveness for customers / organisers
- Increase the number of accessible toilets
- To offer sustainable events (joint concept development with customers)
Conducting feasibility studies / detailed planning before carrying out building projects
2.3 Social sustainability
Action already taken
- Statement against racism and discrimination (house rules)
- Providing an ecumenical chapel
Integration: Respect and openness towards other ethnic and cultural groups
- respecting each persons dignity and personal rights
- respect and openness towards other ethnic and cultural groups in our society
- support for socially disadvantaged people
communities in our society with events already held
- Jehovah’s Witnesses congresses
- Papal Mass 22.09.2011
- World Culture Festival
- Polling station for the Republic of Turkey’s presidential election 2014
Successful inclusion means belonging – making a visit to the stadium possible for all visitors
- Using an auditive system (for the visually impaired)
- Providing spaces for wheelchair users (accessibility)
- IAKS All Time Award 2015
- Accessible parking spaces
- Adapted signage system
Supporting socially disadvantaged people
- KITAJADE (continuation of the event series)
- Lernzentrum @ Hertha BSC fan project
- Springboard for the future in cooperation with Deutsche Sporthilfe
- Passing on equipment that is no longer required (monitors, substitute benches) to non-profit organisations (youth clubs, sports clubs)
Promoting our employees’ health through regular health checks and offering health programmes
- Regularly checking the work places (ergonomics) and working environment
- height-adjustable desks
- Offering eye tests (workstations at monitors) and lung tests
- Offering free drinks
- law-abiding protective clothing for employees
Further training
Further training opportunities for employees for personal development and to strengthen the team’s skills
Work/life balance
- certified by the berufundfamilie GmbH (translates to: work and family GmbH) in 2019 and recertified 2022
Team building measures so employees identify strongly with the company and feel part of a team
- Flexible working hours model / days in lieu
- Part-time work / break regulation
- Using the Internet during breaks
- Taking part in major events
- Company trips combined with networking with other stadiums
- Annual barbecue party
Recognised Chamber of Industry and Commerce training company for various qualifications
Creating a women’s promotion plan and appointing a women’s officer
Appointing an equal opportunities officer
Leasing rooms for a child daycare facility, including a warm-up hall and other stadium areas to promote sport in childhood
Targets / action
To further develop, expand and promote social projects
- To introduce an ideas box/discussion group among employees
- Open day for people with disabilities
To conduct employee reviews/appraisals in the following areas
- Performance
- Career planning
- Targets and ambitions
- Necessary training
To look into public transport season tickets for employees
To include disability workshops for specific work
- Grounds maintenance outdoors
- Buying goods according to what the workshops offer
as of April 2022

The Olympiastadion Berlin is the first stadium in the world to have received Green Globe certification. The award is proof of the operating company’s successful sustainability strategy. The Green Globe certification illuminates economic, ecological and social issues, which are discussed in detail on this page. In addition to the operating company’s own actions, the Green Globe certification also influences the selection of service providers by anchoring the topic of sustainability in all contracts.
Since August 2018, the Olympiastadion Berlin has been recertified in 2020, 2022 and 2024. See the links below for information regarding the original certification and both recertifications.
Press release: Olympiastadion Berlin as the first stadium in the world by Green Globe certified (2018; german language)
News: Re-certification by Green Globe (2020; german language)
News: Green Globe – Olympiastadion Berlin certified for the third time (2022)
About Green Globe:
Green Globe certification is an assessment of the sustainability performance of companies in the travel and tourism industry. Organizations can monitor improvements and document successes leading to certification of their sustainable operations and management. The standard includes 44 core criteria supported by over 380 compliance indicators. The applicable indicators vary depending on the type of certification, geographic area and local factors. The entire standard is reviewed and updated twice a year. The standard, available to all Green Globe members, covers the following areas of sustainability:
• Management
• Social and economic
• Cultural heritage
• Environment
Each area contains a full set of indicators, certification policies and procedures, and guidelines for auditors. You can find out more about Green Globe on the official website.

The AOK-Kitajade (Daycare Olympics)
In accordance with a movement therapy concept, children who attend daycare centres in Berlin undergo six different movement stations, including a Hertha BSC football station and a gymnastics station from the Berliner Turner Bund. These are aimed at conveying the joy of sport as well as Olympic values such as fairness and respect. In doing so, stress and pressure to perform are not an issue: all participants receive a gold medal and are accompanied throughout the day by the mascots from the professional clubs of the sports metropolis Berlin (Herthinho, Ritter Keule, Fuchsi & Co).
More Information in German at www.kitajade.de
Lernort Stadion [Learning in Stadiums] e.V.
Since 2010, the Fanprojekt Lernzentrum @ Hertha BSC [Fan Project: Learning Centre] has been combining a fascination for football with political education. At its historic location—the Olympiastadion Berlin—the Fanprojekt Lernzentrum offers youngsters and young adults an exceptional place for learning and new experiences, with diverse educational programmes on the subject of football. The programme has three pillars: getting to know the club and the stadium, sport and movement, and a selected main focus on a topic from political education. Project weeks on issues such as football culture, violence, discrimination, career choice or migration are offered.
More information (German): https://lernort-stadion.de/standort/fanprojekt-lernzentrum-hertha-bsc-berlin/

his Monday, it was finally time: the new tenants of Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH moved into their new home. Today, two bee colonies found a new home, in a natural meadow on the großer Marchhof, a good 100 metres from the stadium. After beekeeper Andreas Bauer placed the isolated queen of the bee colony in the so called “bee box”, approx. 20,000 honey bees followed her.
In the next few days, the two bee colonies will get used to their new environment, and start to build the honeycomb – the first “stadium honey” will be able to be seen in a few months.
Find more Information in our news about the bees.

Not recognizable to the visitor, but huge nontheless: The photovoltaic system on the Olympiastadion Berlin
1,614 photovoltaic modules on the concrete ring of the stadium roof generate almost 615,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. This corresponds to the annual electricity requirements of around 205 three-person households. The locally generated electricity supplies the stadium’s ventilation, cooling and lighting, among other things. Due to the high basic electricity requirement of the Olympiastadion, almost all of the electricity generated is used directly on site, which corresponds to around 12 percent of the local electricity requirements and results in savings of 225 tons of CO2 per year.

In May 2018, the Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH was included in the BIK | Berliner Informationsstelle Klimaschutz [Berlin Climate Protection Information Office] as a climate protector. The BIK database provides an overview of the diverse measures being undertaken in Berlin to protect the climate and environment. Together with strong partners and many stakeholders in the city, the BIK dedicates itself to climate protection which is “Made in Berlin”.
The BIK was set up by the Berliner Energieagentur [Berlin Energy Agency]. It dates back to an initiative from the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection in Berlin and is funded by the companies GASAG and Vattenfall.
Click here to visit our profile: www.berlin-klimaschutz.de

Olympiastadion Berlin commissioned an absorption chiller in a joint project with the Technische Universität Berlin. District heat is used for refrigeration in the pilot plant and then to cool the server rooms at Olympiastadion Berlin.
In contrast to compression refrigeration units, which need electricity for cooling, the absorption chiller transforms district heat into cooling. The primary energy source of district heat can be procured cheaper than electricity and also protects the environment. Thanks to this process, Olympiastadion Berlin increases its energy efficiency and can significantly reduce its operating costs.

On December 9th, 2019, the LANZ MANUFAKTUR GERMANY GmbH, as a partner for the reconstruction of the lighting concept, renewed the lighting system in the Olympiastadion Berlin. In June 2020, the installation was completed, and the now possible lighting settings can change and emotionally effect the entire Stadium picture.
The CEO of the Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH, Timo Rohwedder, is confident in this new system: “In the future the new lighting system will give us the opportunity to set the mood for our guests according to the occasion and fill them with enthusiasm. Adding to this the organizers can use the lighting system to stage their events determinedly with colorful lighting effects – no matter if it is a mayor event or a small company event.
The lighting system is not only a pleasing sight but was also chosen wisely regarding the sustainability:
The approximately 10.500 LED-lightbulbs with a total weight of 24,6 tons can lead to an annual CO2-saving of around 142 tons. These LED-lights were built into a full-color floodlight system as well as into a unique and colorful architectural lighting.
Due to this new technology the different options of colorful illumination are almost unlimited and are unique in the Stadium world. Despite the many lights, which can provide double the illuminance than before, the system can still achieve a total energy saving of 50 %.

The installation of a computer-based lighting control system, with sophisticated operation and which provides a visualisation of the illumination circuits, enables the switching on and off of individual light sources. In addition, motion detectors have been installed for the switching on and off of lights in highly-frequented areas. The transformer voltage has been reduced through the new installation of an additional busbar for the power supply in the roof.
The reprogramming of the used transformer air & the controlling of the ventilation system via additional temperature sensors is leading to lower operating times. The LED walls & UPS systems are also now only switched on as needed thanks to some technical adjustments. Light switching in the roof has been reprogrammed so that those devices which consume power in standby are switched off when in idle mode.

All green areas of the stadium will be watered with rainwater thanks to the use of a rainwater tank and the new construction of a well. In doing so, water will be collected from the roof, and then fed into a tank to be stored. The tank has a storage capacity of 1,700,000 litres.
Additionally, the flushing durations of all urinals/taps in the stadium will be reduced to a minimum. What’s more, waterless urinals will be retrofitted in the often-used public areas.

Ecology and sustainability play a key role for the operating company, which is native to the region. By using systematic foresight and innovative solution approaches, the Olympiastadion Berlin would like to assume the lead position on the national and international stadium scene with regards to these future issues. For this reason, the integration of energy consumption optimisations is continually promoted within all business units of the company. Achievements such as efficient energy management and a sports arena which is accessible for handicapped visitors and athletes have already been awarded in the past. The Olympiastadion Berlin is proud of:
- its Meeting Experts Green Award (energy management / conservation of resources)
- its IOC/IAKS Gold Award (special prize)
- its The StadiumBusiness Award 2021 in venue technology (LED lighting)